Calendar Prize 2025 of the German Book Trade for “Am Meer”
AllgemeinSeptember 5 2024. “Am Meer”, published by DuMont, was awarded the Calendar Prize 2025 of the German Book Trade/Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels.
September 5 2024. “Am Meer”, published by DuMont, was awarded the Calendar Prize 2025 of the German Book Trade/Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels.
July 21 2024. “Fellbach am Meer/Fellbach by the Sea”-the exhibition inspired by our book opens July 21 2024. On three floors all aspects of the book about living at the coast is brought to life in the the beautiful StadtMuseum Fellbach/Stuttgart.
July 2024. Illustration for an article about the usage of checks in the US.
June 12 2024. We feel very honored that our book “Mers et Oceans” has won the Prix Album of the Academie de la Marine in Paris.
October 15 2023. My 60-foot mural depicting the history of Yiddish culture, commissioned for the Yiddish Book Center’s new permanent exhibit.
September 12 2023. The English edition of “Am Meer” is out now in the UK and USA, published by Prestel Junior/Penguin Random House. The French and the Spanish translation will follow soon, as well as the Hungarian, Bulgarian and Chinese edition.
August 25 2023. A new cover for Cicero magazine on Germany’s economic struggle. AD: Viola Schmieskors.
May 5 2023. Stiftung Buchkunst has shortlisted my book “By the Sea” for their selection of Germany’s most beautiful books in 2023.
April 24 2023. Wonderful review of our book “Am Meer”/”By the Sea” in Saturday’s F.A.Z. by Stefan Trinks.